The Money Barista Blog

Simple ArticlesĀ 

To help you with your business finances!

The Money Barista Blog

Simple ArticlesĀ 

To help you with your business finances!

4 Steps to Confidently Make a Big Purchase for Your Business Feb 10, 2024

How do I make a big purchase for my business? 

Making a big purchase can be hard because there is more to consider than just the money. Grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into 4 steps...

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Decisions from Your Digits Jan 27, 2024

Did you know our brain makes decisions almost every second of every day?

All the simple things like what to eat, when to drink, should I make a latte or a cappucino, just to name a few.


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Messy Work Area = Messy Finances Jan 06, 2024

When we are working with sh;t all around us, it can be hard to find things as well as hard to concentrate.

Before sitting down to work on your business finances, it really does pay to clean up your...

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Quick Cash Flow Method Dec 23, 2023

There is something about the "gulp" moments we get when we don't know if our money is going to cover everything that is coming down the pipe. What are the critical things I need to cover in my...

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Will I ever get my business finances right? Learning to trust myself by changing bad decisions into opportunities! Sep 09, 2023

Some things we do with our money, we can't undo the decision or the damage.

However, making different choices can mean changing the options and the opportunities that go with them.

Bad decisions...

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Money Forecasting: 3 Ways to Plan for Both the Low and High of Predicting Income Aug 22, 2023

As business owners, it can sometimes feel like you are being blown around like a ship facing gale force winds on the sea. It can be overwhelming to realize the stability for your finances can come...

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What it Means to Delegate the Bean$ Dec 05, 2022

Delegating your business finances can be a little bit scary.

If you're anything like me and you like to be in control of all the moving parts of your business, the idea of handing the books over to...

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Fripperies - Small Spending in our Business Nov 27, 2022

What are Fripperies?

Commonly known as small spendings in our business. These items may not be in our budget and when not taken care of, they can eat into the profits quickly.

How can we stay in...

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Consider Renovating Your Finances Oct 08, 2022

The word renovate is often used for a kitchen, a bathroom, or even the entire house. What if you had a way to renovate your finances? Let's look at how this can help you get on top of those...

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Are your Finances on Fire? Oct 01, 2022

The term 'on fire' has multiple meanings. One meaning is, ‘I'm on fire" as in kicking goals and another meaning is "is on fire", as in it's a hot mess. Which one do you want your finances to...

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Habits for Your Finances Sep 13, 2022

When you think of the word habits, what comes to mind? Exercise, healthy eating, drinking water, or in my case coffee. I thought it was time to chat about financial habits. The ones that can really...

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How to identify legitimate tools online Aug 15, 2022

How do we know what is a legitimate app, tool, or platform for your business? Here is my take on it, with tips on how you can find out before pressing the buy button.

There are thousands of apps...

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